We have been so busy having fun this summer! Here are some of the highlights!
Nana taught us a neat trick at Red Lobster
PJ Party in Mimi's bed!
Best Friends
Moon Dough (flour and baby oil)
The kids' first time bowling. They didn't understand letting one person bowl twice and then letting the next person bowl so we gave up and I let them bowl one right after another. In the end, it looks like Silas won :)
Fun playdate with Kenan
The kids turned into cows before we got to Chick-Fil-A! This earned us some free food!
Playing in the mud puddle!
Fun in the water
The twins have really impressed us with all they are learning to do in the pool. Gabe and Eden have figured out that they can touch the bottom of the pool in the shallow end although Eden has to be on her tippy toes to reach. Last year, Eden would not jump into the pool, get her hair wet, or allow you to let go of her while in the water. This year she's jumping in the water and holding her breath to go under. Gabe is learning to swim. He has figured out how to kick himself under the water and is beginning to propel himself forward while holding his breath! He's a little bit taller than Eden so he has an advantage to learning to swim. Silas is still a bit too small for his life jacket so he isn't able to control his body while in the pool. He won't let anyone let go of him while in the water. It takes a lot of courage for him to jump into the pool.