Friday, April 23, 2010


As I come to the end of my maternity leave both children come down with their first sickness. Eden started a week ago, this past Monday, with the runs. She doesn't act or look sick and she's not had a fever. A week into the "bug" I called the doctor and they saw her to only tell me what I already knew. They said to check back in a week. So Eden keeps going with this nasty little bug. The good news, it's not all the time, it fluctuates in its' severity, and she's not received a diaper rash in the process. I guess we will wait it out until Monday to see if it really lasts 2 weeks.

Then today, what I thought was a cold or allergies for Gabe turned into a fever of 101+ and a rush to the doctor. They immediately became concerned at his pulse oxygen levels of 93/100 (they like it to be 100) and started talking about the hospital. But they instead decided to do a nebulizer treatment and run some tests since he was comfortably resting. After the treatment his levels bumped up to 95/100 and he seemed to be doing even better. Test results came back for normal white cells (no bacterial infection) and negative for RSV (praise God). So we leave with a brand new nebulizer, an Rx for an ear infection, and a much happier baby.

Tonight, Eden is happily snoozing away in a quiet nursery and Gabe is sleeping in a swing in our bedroom. He has to sleep upright (he's always slept on his belly) and he gets a nebulizer treatment at 1am.

In retrospect it hasn't been that bad. God continues to amaze me with His blessings. Just when I begin to get bummed out about returning to work and my kids get sick, He shows me His mercy and blesses our family.

The twins are almost 14 weeks old; Eden weighs 10.5lbs and Gabe weighs 16.3lbs!!! God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Awww...I hope they get to feeling better soon. Eli had a mild case of RSV when he was 4 months old. He had the Neb. treatments. No one got sleep that week.
