Monday, October 31, 2011


 This Halloween, I wanted to really get into the spirit of it since the twins can actually participate in all the festivities.  I can't believe Daryl went along with it.  It all began by finding a Minnie Mouse costume for a really good price.  Afterwards, Daryl's cousin, Heather offered to make Mickey Mouse shorts for Gabe.  Some friends of my in-laws offered these Daisy and Donald costumes and the rest is history.  Daryl agreed to dress up if we could find yellow baseball socks so he didn't have to wear tights.
Eden was really afraid of all the people and costumes at the trunk or treat!
Gabe was really proud of himself in this costume.  He really thought he was Mickey Mouse.

Levi, Graycie, Leeandra
Gabe, Abram, Lila Ruth, and Eden

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