Monday, November 7, 2011

It's all in God's timing

The past few days have been a whirl-wind.  It started with a phone call on October 28th from Angela, our social worker at Bethany Christian Services, who we've not talked to in quite sometime.  She called to tell me that Gabe and Eden's birthmom is pregnant!  Angela told me that the birthmom is pregnant with the twins' biological father and she wants to know if we are interested in adopting this child; a full sibling!
I immediately said YES to which Angela told me to call Daryl.  Daryl agreed but then logically thought that we first need to pray about it.  We've talked about such a scenario before, if she was to get pregnant we would take a child if at all possible.  After praying for about an hour I called Daryl and we both still felt like this was definitely God.

So I in-turn call Angela and told her that we wanted this child. 

Here's all the logistics:
1. She's due November 17th!
2. The adoption paperwork is being sent to us express so we can complete our homestudy asap.
3. Angela needs to come to our house again as part of the homestudy and wants to do it very soon.
4. After our homestudy is complete, the birthmother's tribe will be contacted for permission to let us adopt this child.  This process took a week in a half to two weeks with the twins.
5. She knows she is not having twins, but she doesn't know if it is a boy or girl.

This whole situation is very overwhelming but I'm not worried at all.  God brought this to us and He has made everything work out so far so He will be in control of the rest.
Here is some of what God orchestrated:
1. Bethany's prices have increased but our tax refund is scheduled for direct deposit the same day I got this phone call.
2. Two days before all of this happened, Deena Jackson, told me that for some reason she kept envisioning me pregnant. She was close, very close.
3. Our whole family needs physicals for our homestudy.  Since Daryl and I went to Ecuador we had to have physicals this past spring so those are done.  Gabe and Eden had a physical completed in July at their 18 month check-up.
4. We've filled out this paperwork before so we are very familiar with it.
5. We live with Daryl's grandparents because we are trying to sell our house in order to go to the mission field.  They have another bedroom that isn't being used we can transform into a nursery.

God is amazing!  I can't wait to see how He continues to work in our lives.


  1. I am so excited for you and your family, Leah! I love you so much!!!

  2. WOW!!! I'm so excited! That's amazing!!
