Thursday, December 8, 2011

The tribe said YES!!

Today was one of those days where I couldn't keep my hands off my phone.  I kept checking it to make sure I hadn't missed a call or text from our social worker.  Tomorrow is the first day that Silas could actually come home with us and I want it to happen so badly.

Around lunchtime I emailed my social worker to ask if there were any updates and by no surprise, there weren't any.  She reassured me that they are staying in constant contact with the tribe and she promises to let me know the moment they hear something. 

On the way home from work, I was feeling pretty low so I prayed and prayed for God to handle this situation.  I knew God had an ultimate plan that He would reveal to me in His perfect timing so I also prayed for patience.

A few hours later, I had to go back to work because my students were in a Christmas program.  Just a few minutes down the road and I get 3 massive texts from my social worker.  All I could read was "tribe" "placement" and "tomorrow."  I immediately started crying, thanking God, and laughing.  God had answered our prayers.  The tribe said yes!

Just when I began to doubt God, He revealed His plan.  He knew that we couldn't bring Silas home until tomorrow so He made all the details work out to do just that.  Tomorrow, Daryl and I will travel to Charlotte to bring home our baby boy.  Finally, our family of five will be together at last!

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