Saturday, February 25, 2012

Silas is 3 months old!

It's hard to believe that Silas is already 3 months old.  Time really needs to slow down or I think I'm going to miss so much.

Here's a little about Silas' personality and what he can do:
 - Just like Gabe, Silas is a big boy.  At the current moment, he can wear some 6 month clothes (although some of the snaps pop out) but is most comfortable in 9 month clothes.
- His hair is beginning to curl and this time, I'm letting it even if it looks a little wild.
- At 5 weeks old, he rolled belly to back about 15 times on 3 separate days but he hasn't done it since.
 - He loves to suck on his hand.
 - Whenever you put him on his belly for tummy time, his hand goes into his mouth and he puts his head down; he is a belly sleeper after all.
 - He coos and oohs all the time.
 - He recently figured out how to squeal and loves to do it especially when his brother and sister are sleeping.
 - He just started laughing and it makes my heart melt.
 - He is ticklish, especially under his arms.
 - He loves to play in his play gym and he frequently pulls the poles down.
 - He knows his mommy's and daddy's voice and will almost "break his neck" to follow it around the room.

I am so in love with this little guy.  I can't wait to see what God has in store for his life.

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