Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Decking the Halls

I love my early gift from the kids.  It's not difficult to figure out which reindeer belongs to which kid.

Setting up and decorating the tree.

Silas is constantly testing me to see if he can touch the tree.  We had to put some special ornaments on the bottom that he could play with. 

Sparkles the Elf made his grand appearance to see us this year.  The twins loved to find him every morning and they had a blast looking for him.

All 3 kids did great waiting for Santa Claus.  Eden went right up to him, sat down on his lap and told him she wanted a castle.  Gabe stood back, watched his sister then he too, joined her on his lap to make his request, also a castle.  Silas is too young to know any better so right before taking the picture, I popped him right into the middle of the twins.

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