Friday, June 14, 2013

Farewell Piney Grove Elementary

For the past 5 years, I have been teaching 5th grade at Piney Grove Elementary School.  PGES has been in my life since I was young, having attending the school during 1st and 2nd grade (my 2nd grade teacher later became my coworker).  While in college, I interned with Mrs. Debby Pegram in Kindergarten, then student taught with Mrs. Suzanne Brookshire in 5th grade.  After graduating college, WSFCS went on a hiring freeze which forced me to look for a job in surrounding counties.  After teaching in Davidson County Schools for a year, I ran back to PGES with the hiring freeze was lifted and found myself fortunate enough to teach 5th grade with the friends I had made while student teaching.  The past 8 years have been very memorable as it has been during these years that I have been engaged, married, and later adopted all 3 children while being a part of the Piney Grove family.  When we entered the process to go to the mission field, I knew the day would come when I would have to say farewell to these friends and the memories we've shared together.  Piney Grove will truly hold a special place in my heart.

My 5th grade family (left to right): Suzanne Brookshire, Natalie Rempe, Teresa Sweeney, and Jessica Medley.  Those not pictured because they've moved on to other grade levels or schools: Elaine Laws and Jamie Lloyd.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June 2013 Newsletter

Wow-wee!  A lot has happened since we last sent out a newsletter.  Our first big piece of news (and a huge praise) is that our house sold!  God’s timing was absolutely perfect during this trying time but He once again taught us to wait on Him.  Before we had even received an offer on the house, Leah had already given her notice at work that she would not be returning to teach in the fall.  Not sure how we would pay our mortgage with only one income, God intervened and provided for us!  Please rejoice with us.  We’ve had our house on the market for about 2.5 years!

In April, we attended our 2 week Appointee Orientation Training, in Colorado and we left with our hearts full and our to-do list a mile long!  Those 2 weeks were spent fellowshipping with other new missionary appointees, learning about WorldVenture, preparing our speech for the New Missionary Celebration Service, learning about the next steps in our adventure to the mission field, and worshipping God while receiving encouraging words from staff, team mates, and friends.

We’ve prepared a small presentation that we would love to share with you.  If you are interested in hearing more about how you can partner with us on this journey, send us an email or visit our website.  We love talking about what God is doing in our lives and how others can come along side of us to experience God’s goodness every step of the way.

Daryl, Leah, Gabriel, Eden, and Silas Burnette

Prayer Requests:
1. Please be in prayer for Daryl as he prepares for the ordination process in early July.  He will be ordained at Triad Baptist Church in Kernersville on July 10th.
2. Please pray for God to help us transition to full time missions work.
3. Please pray for the rest of our Mozambique team both on the field and those on home assignment.

1. Our house sold!
2. We had a safe trip to Colorado for trainings
3. Leah's job has ended as a teacher.
4. God has provided 3% of our monthly support!

Q1: What’s next?
A: We are very busy planning, studying, reading, and preparing for full time missions.  This includes many trainings, readings, and fund-raising.  We are taking a 10 day trip to Mozambique, in August, to meet other team members, explore school options for the kids, see ministry to children-at-risk first hand, and confirm God’s calling in our lives.

Q2: When are you leaving?
A: When God is ready.  While in Colorado for our trainings, we received our budget and we are relying on God to supply all of our needs.