Monday, December 5, 2011

The twins meet Silas

Today, Gabe and Eden met Silas for the first time.  Eden was very interested in Silas wanting to hold his passy and blanket.  Gabe didn't want anything to do with him.  He was more interested in playing with toys than looking at his brother.  By the end of our visit, Gabe finally came around and wanted to hold him.  They are going to be great big brothers and sisters.

While introducing the twins to Silas was a big part of our trip, we also met with their birth parents.  Today was the first time we've ever met their birthfather.  We are so glad he came because we want all three of them to know about their birth family.  We had a good visit and made tentative plans to get together soon. 

I can't wait to bring Silas home and although it's hard to wait, we know God is in control!

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