Saturday, April 28, 2012

The little things that make me smile

Lately, all 3 kids seem to be doing little things that I catch myself saying, "I hope I never forget this;" so I've decided to write them down.

 - Every morning and evening we have a 30 minute commute.  During our drive he points out every school bus, police car, ambulance, fire truck, and tractor.  Every time he sees one of these vehicles, he excitedly shouts it's name like it is a surprise.  There are a few tractors and school buses that are always in the same place so he knows they are coming but he still acts surprised when he sees them; I hope they never move or he will be so disappointed.
 - "I'na go dis way?"  Every time we stop at a stop light, Gabe points in a direction and asks if we can go that way.  After telling my brother about it, he suggested following Gabe's directions to see where we end up . . . that might be scary!
 - "Okay" This is Gabe's new favorite word.  He says "Okay" when he agrees with you, when he is answering yes to your question, or he uses it as a question. 

- "Little Momma" is her new nickname.  Eden copies everything I do.  She wears sunglasses, strolls her baby, drinks her milk, while I drink mine on the morning commute, puts on her "make-up" and picks up all the words I say.  Today I found her playing alone with her baby and I noticed that she sang, fed, burped, diapered, and laid it down for bed just like I do with Silas.
- "Yea' I do" - Eden's new phrase that is always said with excitement.  She mostly says this when she agrees with you or as yes.  She shakes her head up and down, uses a high pitched voice, and smiles really big.
- She loves to tell you over and over again what she wants to do.  This is mostly done on our way home while we talk about what we are going to do that evening.  For example she would say, "Go home, take'a shoe off, take'a sock off, put on pay-shoes, pay outside" then it's either "Swing bed'ie (for belly), swing hine-hee, or ride bike."

- He loves to be with his brother and sister.  He will cry and cry if you put him in a pack-in-play or bouncy seat where he can't see them play.  He wants to be in the floor in the middle of the action.
- When Silas is on his belly and he grins really big, he loses control of his head and face plants whatever he is on.  I love his huge grins and I can see that he will soon have 2 little teeth.
- Blowing bubbles - I don't remember the twins blowing bubbles with their mouths like Slias does.  He does it all the time, with or without a pacy.
- Playing with his pacy.  I recently snapped this picture of how Silas plays with his pacy.  I think he is so cute when he does this because it looks like he is smiling.

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