Thursday, March 15, 2012

Funny New Words

Now that Eden is beginning to return to normal, I can finally post some of the funny things that the twins are saying.  I'm a big proponent of teaching my kids the "right" word for something instead of making up cutsie stuff but I've quickly learned that they are going to call it what they want to regardless of what I teach them.

Here are some of my favorites:
Monker - monster
Gan-ket - blanket
Mickey-Ma-Mouse - Mickey or Minnie Mouse
Melmo - Elmo
Cu-cuz - colors
Fla-flus - flowers
Yight - light
Ques-dea - quesadilla
Sore-si - Horse (Gabe)
Pooey - Pooted (they crack me up making themselves do this so they can laught about it)
Hi-hee - Hiney
Peease and Tank you much (mostly Eden)
Pank - paint
Ganget - blanket

These words are the latest additions to their vocabulary:

Snow - from the trace amounts that have fallen this year
Doctor - can you tell we've been quite a bit in the past couple months?
Pool - a cow fell into our pool and it's been all they talk about (seriously, a real cow in our pool)
What's dat?  What's dis?  Play dat and Play dis
ginn . . . ginn . . .ginn - again
Ah-men - amen
Oange - orange, Gabe can point out anything that's "oange"

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